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Personal Information

Name (Simplified Chinese):江鹤

Name (Pinyin):jianghe

Date of Employment:2022-08-29


Administrative Position:讲师

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study


Contact Information:邮箱:jianghe@cumt.edu.cn 手机:13166228252(微信同号)



Alma Mater:上海交通大学

Honors and Titles:
2024-01-09  elected:Journal of Electronic Imaging 2023年度 杰出审稿人奖;
2023-11-04  elected:IOTCIT 2023国际会议最佳论文奖;
2023-05-20  elected:Alibaba Dharma Institute International Young Talent Fund Excellent evaluation;
2019-12-14  elected:上海交通大学 光华基金会奖学金;
2018-12-31  elected:上海交通大学 电科十四研究所国睿奖学金;
2017-12-15  elected:上海交通大学 华为奖学金


Educational experience:

   He graduated from the Department of Electronics of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Supervisor: Prof. Zhiyong Gao, Associate Supervisor: Associate Researcher Xiaoyun Zhang) and the Department of Automation of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Supervisor: Prof. Jie Yang, Associate Supervisor: Prof. Xiaolin Huang, and Collaborative Supervisor: Prof. Guantao Zhai), and he received his Ph.D. degree in Engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University in December, 2021

Research Experience:

    He has published more than 30 SCI/EI papers and more than 20 first/corresponding author papers in JCR Q1/Q2, CCF A/B international conferences, Chinese top journals and other journals. Among the first/corresponding papers, there are more than 10 SCI papers and more than 10 EI papers, including 5 papers in top international conferences, 3 papers in top Chinese journals, 7 papers in Chinese scientific and technical journals with excellent action plans, 1 paper in the best international conference, and 3 authorized invention patents.

Project experience:

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Program (52304182) In progress Project Leader 

2. Zhijiang Laboratory/Alibaba Dharmo Academy International Young Talent Fund In progress Project Leader

3. Open Fund of Netease Thunderfire Lab, In progress Project Leader

4. China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) Young Teachers Talent Introduction Program, In progress Project Leader

5. China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT), the 15th Batch of Young Teachers Sailing Fund, In progressProject Leader

6. Open Fund of Xi'an Key Laboratory of Vehicle Optical Imaging and Measurement Technology, In progress Project leader

7. National Natural Science Foundation of China (61876107) Completed Major Participation

8. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Program (61603248) Completed Major Participation

9. Sub-project of National 863 Program (2015AA042308) Completed Major Participation

10. Key R&D Project of Guizhou Province (Key No. 003 of Qiankehe Support [2021]) Completed Major Participation

11. Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan (31011555590126720161D4602001) Completed Major Participation

12. Major Science and Technology Special Project of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (2013ZX01033001-002-002) Completed General Participation

13. Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (61133009) Completed General participation

14. Horizontal projects: more than 10 cooperative projects with Alibaba, Medtronic, Bocom, Samsung, and Beixinyuan.

Research Directions:

Artificial Intelligence, Statistical Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Image Processing

Academic Honors & Adjuncts:

1. NeruoImage Invited Young Editorial Board Member

2. International Conference Best Paper Award

3. Reviewer for international journals/conferences TMM, TNNLS, TCSVT, TII, CVPR, ICASSP, ICME, ICIP

4. Reviewer for Chinese top journals Journal of Communications, Journal of Electronics, Journal of Electronics and Information, Journal of Control and Decision Making, Journal of Coal

5. Chairperson of ICCBDAI 2023, CISR 2024, ICFEECS 2024, IOTCIT 2024, International Conferences

6. Member of Chinese Computer Society, Artificial Intelligence Society, Command and Control Society (Big Model and Decision Intelligence Committee)

7. Honorary Member of Jiangsu Association for the Promotion of Science and Technology in Foreign Countries

8. Distinguished Reviewer Award of Journal of Electronic Imaging and other SCI journals in 2023.

9. Young Science and Technology Talent of Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province (Class C)

Other Contact Information





Educational Experience

  • 2015.9-2021.12

    上海交通大学 | 模式识别与智能系统 | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study | Doctor

  • 2012.9-2015.3

    上海交通大学 | 信息与通信工程 | With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates | 硕士

Work Experience

  • 2022.8-Now

     信息与控制工程学院  | 讲师 

Social Affiliations

    No content

Research Group

Name of Research Group:Intelligent Detection & Pattern Recognition Research Center, China University of Mining and Technogy

Description of Research Group:China University of Mining and Technology Intelligent Detection and Pattern Recognition Research Center is approved by the China University of Mining and Technology to set up a university-level research platform, the center relies on the China University of Mining and Technology School of Information and Control Engineering, School of Computer Science and Technology of the strong faculty, has formed a strong R & D team, has a series of high-precision research and development personnel, including professors, researchers, PhDs, and the coal mining industry related to explosion-proof electrical, systems engineering applications. The R&D team is mainly engaged in the scientific research, teaching and transformation of AI intelligent video analysis, information processing and pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and big data, and also undertakes the construction of China University of Mining and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of Intelligent Mining Research Center.
       In the past five years, the center has undertaken two national key research and development projects, five National Natural Science Foundation of China, two major achievement transformation projects in Jiangsu Province in the areas of image intelligent analysis, information sensing detection and processing, and has completed projects commissioned by enterprises amounting to tens of millions of yuan. The research results won the Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Award, Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Progress Award and other provincial and ministerial level research awards 8. A large number of young teachers have been trained by the team to become the backbone of scientific research and teaching in related disciplines in the university. With the scientific attitude of striving for excellence, the center adheres to the research guideline of "scientific and technological innovation, service to mines" and the development concept of "honesty, cooperation, truth-seeking and innovation" to realize mechanized replacement, automation and unmanned intelligent and safe production, and to lead the way to the future. The innovative development of the industry and support the overall improvement of the advantageous industries.