
Shanshan CHEN, associated professor at China University of Mining and Technology since 2024, holds PhD degree from Geography Institute, Humboldt University of Berlin in Germany. Her research focuses on urban space and resilience city, human emotions with social-media-data, climate adaptation strategies and SDGs. She is the curator at international organization-the Nature of Cites (TNOC) and the board-member of DCZUE (German-Sino Promotion Centre for Environment and Energy), and reviewer for several international jounal Sustianable Cities and Society, Landscape Ecology, Scientific reports, and other MDPI journals. She was an intern in UNCCD-Tsinghua project“REPER” about photovoltaics+ ecology for sustainable development, and conference assistance for ICLEI “Resilience City” conference in Bonn. She organized PhD 4 future workshop under EU circle U funding: Urban climate change action with interdisciplinary methods and organized several online dialogue on climate change 2022, etc.更多+


  • 建筑与设计学院

  •  四川农业大学 > 森林资源保护与游憩(生态旅游方向) >  农学学士学位 > 本科毕业 

  •  柏林洪堡大学 > 地理学 >  境外学位 > 博士研究生毕业 

  •  中国科学院大学 > 城市生态学 >  理学硕士学位 > 硕士研究生毕业 


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