Language : English
Zhou Jinju
  • Personal Information

    Associate professor
    Supervisor of Master's Candidates
    Business Address:资源楼B501
    Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
    Alma Mater:吉林大学
  • Profile

















    [1] Zhou, Jinju; Fu, Lei; Xu, Yongzhong; Zhang, Wei. 2023. New insight into Antarctic ice sheet properties using an improved teleseismic P‐wave coda autocorrelation method. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

    [2] 周进举,张伟.青藏高原南缘中部的地壳结构:远震P波尾波自相关的新约束[J].地球物理学报,2023,66(09):3662-3673.

    Zhou, Jinju; Zang, Wei. 2023. Crustal structures beneath southern central Tibetan Plateau: new constraints from teleseismic P wave coda autocorrelation. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 66(9): 3662-3673

    [3] Wang, Rui; Wang, Deli; Hu, Bin; Zhang, Weifeng; Zhou, Jinju; Li, Bowen. 2023. An efficient low-frequency artifact suppression method at excitation time for excitation amplitude imaging condition. Acta Geophysica,   71(3):1225-1240

    [4] Zhou, Jinju; Hu, Nan; Hu, Yong; Zhang, Wei. 2022. Feasibility of estimating parameters and enhancing reflections of dipping Moho from teleseismic P wave coda autocorrelation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(5)

    [5] Zhou, Jinju; Zhang, Wei. 2021. Extracting reliable P‐wave reflections from teleseismic P wave coda autocorrelation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(11)    

    [6] Li, Bowen; Wang, Deli; Zhou, Jinju; Zhang, Qianxiang; Wang, Rui. 2020. Efficient mixed-domain pure P-wave equations for 2D and 3D tilted transversely isotropic media. Acta Geophysica, 68, 605-618

    [7] Zhou, Jinju; Wang, Deli; Wang, Rui; Yang, Hui. 2019. Prestack elastic RTM for VTI media using vector wavefield decomposition and vector imaging conditions.    Exploration Geophysics, 50(3): 297-309

    [8] Zhou, Jinju; Wang, Deli; Wang, Tong; Hu, Bin; Su, Yizhe. 2019. Reflection reconstruction and imaging from seismic noise data for VTI media      . Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 63, 118-136

    [9] 程浩,王德利,王恩德,周进举,侯振隆,付建飞.弹性波被动源数据一次波估计方法研究[J].地球物理学报,2019,62(02):697-706.

    Cheng, Hao; Wang, DeLi; Wang, EnDe; Zhou, JinJu; Hou, ZhenLong; Fu, JianFei.   2019. Study of estimating primaries in elastic passive seismic data. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 62(2):697-706

    [10] Zhou, Jinju; Wang, Deli. 2017. Vector-based excitation amplitude imaging condition for elastic RTM. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 147

    [11] Peng, Changhua; Wang, Deli; Zhou, Jinju. 2019. 3D numerical simulation in acoustic-elastic coupled media with staggered-grid finite-difference method. Global Geology

    [12] Gong, Qiming; Han, Liguo; Zhou, Jinju. Elastic reverse time migration based on vector wavefield decomposition                                  

    [13] 李博文,王德利,周进举,苏一哲.地震干涉技术的三维震源定位方法[J].地球物理学进展,2017,32(06):2460-2465.

    LI, Bo-wen; WANG, De-li; ZHOU, Jin-ju; SU, Yi-zhe. 2017. 3D seismic locating method of the interferometry. Progress in Geophysics, 32(6):2460-2465

    [14] 周进举,王德利,李博文,李强,王睿.基于解耦传播的波场分解方法在VTI介质弹性波逆时偏移中的应用[J].吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2018,48(03):909-921.




    [1] Zhou, Jinju; Zhang, Wei. Feasibility of directly estimating depth and dip parameters of Moho from coda autocorrelograms[A]. 2021年中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集

    [2] Zhou, Jinju; Zhang, Wei; Lei, Tao; Wang, Deli; Li, Junlun. 2019. Reconstructing the primaries of PP and PS waves by elastic Marchenko method. SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting

    [3] Zhou, Jinju; Wang, Deli. 2017. Vector-based excitation amplitude imaging condition for elastic reverse time migration.     SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017,4619-4623

    [4] Hu, Bin; Wang, Deli; Lu, Juntao; Wang, Rui; Zhou, Jinju. 2017. Passive source denoising based on iterative 2D model shrinkage.     SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting

    [5] 程浩,王德利,周进举,侯振隆. 脉冲型弹性波被动源数据一次波估计. 2017中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集

    [6] 周进举,王德利,胡斌,王睿,李博文. 多分量弹性波逆时偏移中的假象分析和解决策略. 2017中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集

    [7] 周进举,王德利,胡斌,王睿. 基于向量的激发振幅成像条件弹性波逆时偏移. 2016中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集

    [8] 周进举,王德利,冯飞. 含倾斜裂隙页岩介质波场传播特征研究. 2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会



    [1]一次波重建方法、装置、终端设备及存储介质[P]. 广东省:CN110058300B,2022-06-17.

    [2]一种虚拟震源反射波叠前反演方法[P]. 江苏省:CN113267811B,2022-03-08.

    [3]声波各向异性逆时偏移混合方法[P]. 吉林省:CN110058303B,2020-10-23.

    [4]基于稳相区间理论的逆时偏移成像方法[P]. 吉林省:CN109901223B,2019-11-29.


  • Research Field

    No content
  • Social Affiliations

    [1]  2023.12- Now
  • Education Background

    [1]  2009.9- 2013.6
    吉林大学 | 勘查技术与工程(应用地球物理) | 本科毕业 | Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
    [2]  2005.9- 2009.6
    尉氏一中 | 高中毕业
    [3]  2015.9- 2018.6
    吉林大学 | 地球探测与信息技术 | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study | Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Work Experience

    [1]  2018.7- Now
    资源与地球科学学院 | 副教授
  • Research Group

    No content
  • Other Contact Information
