






E-mail: zhuangcaitian@cumt.edu.cn / zhuangcaitian@163.com

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6262-560X

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhuangcai-Tian



田壮才,男,主要从事海洋工程地质环境与灾害防控、海洋岩土工程、岩石力学等方面的教学与科研工作,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目、海洋地质资源湖北省重点实验室开放基金重点项目、自然资源部海岸带科学与综合管理重点实验室开放基金、山东省煤田地质规划勘察研究院开放基金等多项科研项目,参与国家自然科学基金重大仪器专项、重点项目、面上项目等多项科研课题;在《Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans》、《Ocean Engineering》、《Physics of Fluids》等TOP期刊累计发表论文30多篇,部分论文被ESI数据库遴选为高被引论文“Highly Cited Paper”,相关研究成果被选为期刊Editor's picks和Featured Work,在期刊首页重点展示,同时被American Institute of Physics(AIP) Scilight以“Large waves deep within oceans shape the seafloor”为题进行专题报道,此外,部分研究成果获得“ISMEG 2023 Excellent Paper Award”;授权美国、日本和中国等发明专利共计10余项,获中国发明协会全国发明展金奖、2020年山东省研究生优秀成果奖等奖励。中国岩石力学与工程学会海洋工程地质灾害防控分会理事,中国海洋学会海底科学分会委员,国际工程地质与环境协会(IAEG)、国际古地理学会(ISP)、中国岩石力学与工程学会、中国灾害防御协会等国内外学术团体会员,《Journal of Ocean University of China》、《Deep Underground Science and Engineering》、《Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering》等国际期刊学术编辑和青年编委,并获得“Outstanding Early Career Editorial Board Member”。指导研究生多次获得“国家奖学金”,指导本科生国家级、省级大创项目等4项,多项结题被评为“优秀”。担任2019级土木工程本科生班主任,并获校级“优秀班主任”。


1. 深海内波/孤立波与海底相互作用(响应“海洋强国”战略,前景广阔);

2. 工程地质灾害防控(密切联系工程实际,学以致用);

3. 海岸环境地质工程、海洋土工程特性(海洋工程应用);

4. 人工智能在地质灾害中的应用(当今最火热的技术)。


2017/9–2020/6,中国海洋大学,   环境地质工程,博士

2014/9–2017/6,中国海洋大学,       岩土工程,    硕士

2010/9–2014/6,西北农林科技大学,土木工程,   学士




1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,42107158,南海内孤立波对海底沉积物的输运机制研究,2022.01-2024.12,在研,主持;

2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,BK20210527,内孤立波与海底相互作用机理研究,2021.07-2024.06,已结题,主持;

3. 海洋地质资源湖北省重点实验室开放基金重点项目, MGR202202, 浅化内孤立波作用下海底管线周围海床稳定性研究, 2022.07-2024.06, 已结题,主持;

4. 自然资源部海岸带科学与综合管理重点实验室开放基金,2021COSIMQ002,孤立波改造海底底形过程实验研究,2021.08-2023.07,已结题,主持;

5. 山东省煤田地质规划勘察研究院开放基金,SDMTKCY-2022-09,黄河三角洲物质输运及海岸线演变预测研究,2023.01-2024.12,在研,主持;

6. 山东省海洋环境地质工程重点实验室开放基金,MEGE2024010,内孤立波对深海多金属结核开采高浊度羽流扩散影响研究,2024.05-2026.04,在研,主持;

7. 国家自然科学基金重大仪器专项,41427803,复杂深海工程地质原位长期观测设备研制,2015.01-2019.12,已结题,参与;

8. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,41831280,内孤立波对南海水合物试采区海底面稳定性影响研究,2019.01-2023.12,已结题,参与;

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,4177020652,近海浅层气电阻率成像法探测技术研究-以舟山火山列岛海域为例,2018.01-2021.12,已结题,参与;

10. 国家自然科学基金委员会-山东省人民政府海洋科学研究中心联合资助项目,U1606401,海底边界层动态变化过程原位监测技术,2016.01-2020.12,已结题,参与。


. 代表性论文 


1. Zhuangcai Tian*, Jinjian Huang, Jiaming Xiang, Shaotong Zhang. Suspension and transportation of sediments in submarine canyon induced by internal solitary waves [J]. Physics of Fluids 36, 022112 (2024).    

(工程技术2区,  JCR-Q1,  IF=4.6.  ESI高被引论文[Highly Cited Paper])

2. Jiaming Xiang, Zhuangcai Tian*, Youkou Dong, Enjin Zhao, Lei Song, Jianhua Yue, Guoqing Zhou, Xiaolei Liu, Xiujun Guo, Yonggang Jia. Dynamic response of seabed in wind power of deep-shallow sea induced by internal solitary waves. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2024, 1–17. DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2024.2393212.

3. Jiahao Tian, Zhuangcai Tian*, Mingwei Zhang, Qingbin Meng, Aihua Zhang, Chao Liu, Lei Jia. A novel identification method of microseismic events based on empirical mode decomposition and artificial neural network features. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 222, 2024, 105329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2024.105329.

4. Zhuangcai Tian*, Jinjian Huang, Jiaming Xiang, Shaotong Zhang, Jinran Wu, Xiaolei Liu, Tingting Luo, Jianhua Yue. Interaction between internal solitary waves and the seafloor in the deep sea. Deep Underground Science and Engineering. 2024; 3(2): 149-162.

5. Song Yu, Yang Shuang, Li Dongxu, Shao Yubao*, Cheng Jie, Shan Xingxing, Cao Li, Li Silong, Xie Chao, Shan Li, Tian Delong, Wang Hao, Jia Lei, Huang Jinjian, Tian Zhuangcai*, Yue Jianhua. Changes of Yancheng coastline near 20 years based on remote sensing technology. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2024. DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2024.2310736.


1. Zhuangcai Tian*, Lei Jia*, Jiaming Xiang, Guotao Yuan, Kun Yang, Jun Wei, Mingwei Zhang, Honglei Shen, Jianhua Yue. Excess pore water pressure and seepage in slopes induced by breaking internal solitary waves[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 267(5–6):113281. (工程技术1区TOP, JCR-Q1, IF=5.0)

2. Zhuangcai Tian*, Yihua Chang, Sichao Chen, Gengchen Wang, Yanhong Hu, Chuan Guo, Lei Jia, Song Lei, Jianhua Yue*. Physical and mechanical properties and microstructures of submarine soils in the Yellow Sea[J]. Deep Underground Science and Engineering, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/dug2.12049

3. Zhuangcai Tian*, Jinjian Huang, Lei Song, Mingwei Zhang, Yonggang Jia and Jianhua Yue. The Interaction Between Internal Solitary Waves and Submarine Canyons[J]. Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering, 2023, 11(2): 129-139. http://doi.org/10.32908/JMEE.v11.2023050101    (ISMEG 2023 Excellent Paper Award)     [获“第三届国际海洋工程地质学术研讨会优秀论文奖”]

4. Shoulong Ma, Mingwei Zhang*, Lu Ma, Zhuangcai Tian*, Xue Li, Zhenhao Su, Sicheng Bian. Experimental investigation on stress distribution and migration of the overburden during the mining process in deep coal seam mining[J]. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 2023, 10(1). DOI:10.1186/s40677-023-00253-6.

5. Deng, Shenggui, Yan Zhang*, Jun Han, Kaidi Wang, Zhuangcai Tian*, Tao Liu. An Analytical Study on Penetration and Pore Pressure Dissipation of Piezocone Test in Typical Normally and Over-Consolidated Silty Clays[J]. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(6):3797. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13063797

6. Guotao Yuan, Mingwei Zhang*, Kai Zhang, Zhuangcai Tian, Hongyue Duan & Baolin Liu. Mechanical response and AE characteristics of heterogeneous rock under dynamic compression tests based on moment tensor analysis[J]. Computational Particle Mechanics (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40571-023-00655-1.

7. Ning Fan, Jianxiong Jiang, Tingkai Nian, Youkou Dong, Lin Guo, Cuiwei Fu, Zhuangcai Tian, Xingsen Guo. Impact action of submarine slides on pipelines: A review of the state-of-the-art since 2008. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 286, 115532.


1. Zhuangcai Tian, Hanlu Liu*, Shaotong Zhang, Jinran Wu, Jiahao Tian. Prediction of shear stress induced by shoaling internal solitary waves based on machine learning method[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2022.2136045.

2. Zhuangcai Tian*, Chao Liu, Yonggang Jia*, Lei Song, Mingwei Zhang. Submarine Trenches and Wave-Wave Interactions Enhance the Sediment Resuspension Induced by Internal Solitary Waves[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11802-023-5384-0.

3. Zhuangcai Tian*, Yang Liu, Xiaojiang Zhang, Yan Zhang, Mingwei Zhang. Formation mechanisms and characteristics of the marine ne- pheloid layer: A review[J]. Water, 2022, 14 (5): 678.

4. Zhuangcai Tian*, Chao Liu, Ziyin Ren, Xiujun Guo, Mingwei Zhang, Xiuhai Wang, Lei Song, Yonggang Jia*. Impact of seepage flow on sediment resuspension by internal solitary waves: Parameterization and mechanism. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s00343-022-2001-9.

5.  Zhuangcai Tian*, Lei Jia, Naili Hu, Susheng Wang, Mingwei Zhang*, Guoqing Zhou. Spatial and temporal variation process of seabed dynamic response induced by the internal solitary wave. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, DOI:10.1007/s13131-022-2112-3.

6. 田壮才, 彭子奇, 贾永刚, 张明伟. 基于剖面声呐的海底微地貌观测研究[J]. 古地理学报, 2022, 24(01):180-190.

7. Guozhu Wang, Lei Song*, Qirui Wang, Zhuangcai Tian*, Junqi Fan, Yu Wang, Jianwei Ren, Weihao Yang, Haipeng Li, Mingwei Zhang, Honglei Shen. Experimental study on the mechanical properties, acoustic emission characteristics, and permeability evolution of sand stone under triaxial hydromechanical coupling[J]. Energy Science & Engineering. 2022;1‐15. https://doi:10.1002/ese3.1281.

8. Xiuhai Wang, Zhuangcai Tian, Zhang Yanan, Su Xiuting, Liu Hongjun, Liu Tao*. Research on Corrosion Effect of Sulfate Ions on Concrete Under Wetting-Drying Cycle[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2022, 21(1):124-130.

9. Yaqi Zhang, Jinran Wu, Shaotong Zhang, Guangxue Li, Dong-Sheng Jeng, Jishang Xu, Zhuangcai Tian, Xingyu Xu. An optimal statistical regression model for predicting wave-induced equilibrium scour depth in sandy and silty seabeds beneath pipelines [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 258, 111709. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111709.


1. Zhuangcai Tian*, Yonggang Jia*, Qizhi Du, Shaotong Zhang, Xiujun Guo, Wenwen Tian, Mingwei Zhang, Lei Song. Shearing stress of shoaling internal solitary waves over the slope [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 241(5), 110046. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng. (工程技术2区TOP, JCR-Q1, IF=3.795)

2. Zhuangcai Tian*, Yonggang Jia*, Jiangxin Chen, J. Paul Liu, Shaotong Zhang*, Chunsheng Ji, Xiaolei Liu, Hongxian Shan, Xuefa Shi, and Jiwei Tian. Internal solitary waves induced deep-water nepheloid layers and seafloor geomorphic changes on the continental slope of the northern South China Sea [J]. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(5), 053312. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0045124(工程技术2区TOP, JCR-Q1, IF=3.514)                                    [入选期刊Featured and Scilighted Paper]


1. Zhuangcai Tian, Yonggang Jia*, Shaotong Zhang, Xiaojiang Zhang, Xiujun Guo. Bottom and Intermediate Nepheloid Layer Induced by Shoaling Internal Solitary Waves: Impacts of the Angle of the Wave Group Velocity Vector and Slope Gradients [J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2019, 124(8): 5686-5699. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JC014721 (地学2区TOP, JCR-Q1, IF=3.235)

2.Zhuangcai Tian, Tian Chen, Xiujun Guo*, Le Yu, Yonggang Jia*. Penetration depth of the dynamic response of seabed induced by internal solitary waves [J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2019, 90: 101867. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apor. 2019.101867(工程技术1TOP, JCR-Q2, IF=2.436

3. Zhuangcai Tian, Shaotong Zhang, Xiujun Guo*, Le Yu, Yonggang Jia*. Experimental investigation of sediment dynamics in response to breaking high-frequency internal solitary wave packets over a steep slope [J]. Journal of Marine Systems, 2019, 199: 103191. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2019.103191 (海洋学2, JCR-Q1, IF=2.539

4. Zhuangcai Tian, Xiujun Guo*, Luzheng Qiao, Yonggang Jia. Experimental investigation of slope sediment resuspension characteristics and influencing factors beneath the internal solitary wave-breaking process [J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology & the Environment, 2019, 78(2): 959-967. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-017-1161-x (工程技术3, JCR-Q2, IF=2.138

5. Zhaungcai Tian, Xiujun Guo*, Luzheng Qiao, Le Yu, Guohui Xu, Tao Liu. Formation mechanism of large pockmarks in the subaqueous Yellow River Delta [J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019, 37(6): 651-659. https://doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2018.1471630 (工程技术4, JCR-Q3, IF=1.166

6. Yonggang Jia, Zhuangcai Tian, Xuefa Shi, J.Paul Liu, Jiangxin Chen, Xiaolei Liu, Ruijie Ye, Ziyin Ren, Jiwei Tian*. Deep-sea Sediment Resuspension by internal Solitary Waves in the northern South China Sea [J]. Scientific reports, 2019, 9(1): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-47886-y (综合性期刊3, JCR-Q1, IF=4.011) [获“科学-基金-通讯”报道]

7. 田壮才, 郭秀军*, 乔路正, 贾永刚, 余乐. 南海北部海底沉积物临界起动流速空间分布特征分析[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016(A02):4287-4294. (EI检索号:20165203182204)

8. 田壮才, 郭秀军*, 余乐, 贾永刚, 张少同, 乔路正. 内孤立波悬浮海底沉积物研究进展[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 332:56-68. (中文核心)

9. Xiaolei Liu*, Xiaoquan Zheng, Zhuangcai Tian, Hong Zhang, Tian Chen. Pressure Sensing Technique for Observing Seabed Deformation Caused by Submarine Sand Wave Migration [J]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2020, 8, 315. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse8050315 JCR-Q3, IF=1.732

10. 乔路正, 郭秀军*, 田壮才, 余乐. 内孤立波浅化破碎过程斜坡沉积物孔压响应特征实验分析[J]. 海洋学报, 2018, 401:68-76. (中文核心)

11. 余乐, 郭秀军*, 田壮才, 贾永刚. 内孤立波作用下南海北部陆坡沙波形成过程实验模拟[J]. 中国海洋大学学报:自然科学版, 2017, 4710:120. (中文核心)

. 授权发明专利和编制标准、规范


1. Yonggang Jia, Zhuangcai Tian, Shaotong Zhang, Bowen Zhang, Zhiming Wei, Xiaolei Liu, Hongxian Shan. Observation System and Method for Re-suspension Quantity of Submarine Sediments by Deep-sea Internal Waves. 2020.5.5,美国,US10640176B1.

2. 贾永刚, 田壮才, 张少同, 张博文, 魏志明, 刘晓磊, 单红仙. 深海内部波による海底堆積物の再浮遊量の観測システム及びその方法. 2020.4.9,日本,JP 2020-510566.


1.胡乃利 , 田壮才 , 阮文凤 , 孙中强 , 刘飞. 李相乾. 一种辅助海底柔性观测装置布放的套管系统及方法. 2022.04.26, 中国,ZL202110885812.9.

2.田壮才,郭川, 王庚辰, 陈思超,常亦桦,胡燕洪,贾磊.  减少土样扰动的土样运输装置. 2022.07.06, 中国, ZL202220531818.

3.田壮才 , 贾磊.  模拟孤立波波-波相互作用的多功能环形水槽装置及方法. 2021.10.15, 中国, ZL202110794903.1.

4.田壮才 , 宋雷 , 张少同 , 张明伟 , 刘盛东.  一种模拟无限循环孤立波诱发海床压力水槽装置及其方法. 2021.11.02,中国,ZL202011107341.0.

5.田壮才 , 王秀海 , 张少同 , 张明伟 , 刘盛东 . 一种模拟内波自然生成的水槽装置及其方法. 2021.11.26,中国,ZL202011107767.6.

6.田壮才, 贾永刚, 任子茵, 季春生, 郑晓泉, 杜奇智, 张少同. 深海浅层砂质沉积物取样器及其取样方法. 2019.4.26,中国,ZL201811468102.0.

7. 贾永刚, 田壮才, 张少同, 张博文, 魏志明, 刘晓磊, 单红仙. 深海内波对海底沉积物再悬浮量的观测系统及方法. 2019.8.2,中国,ZL201810061172.8.

8. 贾永刚, 田壮才, 张博文, 张少同, 单红仙, 刘晓磊. 深海海底边界层动态观测装置和方法. 2019.7.26,中国,ZL201810276805.7.

9. 贾永刚, 范智涵, 徐海波, 胡聪, 田壮才, 单红仙. 一种海洋座底设备沉降量测量装置及方法. 2020.4.11,中国,ZL201910826393.4.

10. 贾永刚, 范智涵, 徐海波, 胡聪, 田壮才, 单红仙. 基于自然电位测量的海底边界层原位实时监测装置及方法. 2020.5.15,中国,ZL201910826394.9.

11. 刘晓磊, 郑晓泉, 张博文, 贾永刚, 田壮才, 季春生. 基于电阻率探杆的多级贯入式海底沙波原位观测装置及方法. 2020.5.22,中国,ZL201811604535.4.

12. 马守龙, 张明伟, 马路, 田壮才, 李雪, 何俊龙, 谢传国, 苏振豪, 田佳豪. 一种基于神经网络算法的煤矿微震事件智能识别方法. 2023.05.29,中国,ZL202310622055.5.

13. 张少同, 郦虹逸, 田壮才, 文明征, 赵子茜, 张雅淇, 徐继尚, 李广雪, 李三忠. 一种波浪-海床相互作用模拟装置及方法. 2023.06.23,中国,ZL202310268540.7.

14. 张明伟, 袁国涛, 张凯, 田壮才, 卫俊, 贾磊, 杨坤. 一种围压条件下煤岩样三轴实验的震电磁同步监测装置及方法. 2022.06.07,中国,ZL 202210215214.5.

15. 沈洪垒 , 宋雷 , 田壮才 , 赵丽. 激发与接收近场双立体组合海洋地震探测系统. 2022.05.23,中国,ZL 202210563659.2.

. 获得学术奖励

1. 2021年山东省优秀博士学位论文;

2. 田壮才(1/1), 内孤立波对海底作用过程研究, 山东省教育厅, 山东省研究生优秀成果奖, 二等奖, 2020.

3. 2020届山东省优秀毕业生(省优编号:202004929);

4. 中国海洋大学优秀博士学位论文;

5. 中国海洋大学2020年研究生优秀成果奖(学术学位)一等奖;

6. 2020届中国海洋大学优秀毕业研究生

7. 2014届省级本科生优秀毕业论文。









  • 研究方向
  • 社会兼职
  • 2023.1-----至今

    社会兼职内容:《Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering》编辑和青年编委

  • 2022.1-----至今

    社会兼职内容:《Deep Underground Science and Engineering》编辑和青年编委

  • 2021.10-----至今


  • 教育经历
  • 工作经历
  • 2017.9-----2020.6

    中国海洋大学 | 环境科学与工程+环境地质工程 | 博士研究生毕业 | 工学博士学位

  • 2014.9-----2017.6

    中国海洋大学 | 岩土工程 | 硕士研究生毕业 | 硕士

  • 2010.9-----2014.7

    西北农林科技大学 | 土木工程 | 本科毕业 | 学士

  • 2020.7-----至今







  • 硕士生导师
  • 教师拼音名称:tianzhuangcai
  • 所在单位:中国矿业大学深地工程智能建造与健康运维全国重点实验室
  • 学历:博士研究生毕业
  • 办公地点:中国矿大南湖校区 深地国重301-2
  • 性别:
  • 联系方式:zhuangcaitian@163.com zhuangcaitian@cumt.edu.cn
  • 学位:博士
  • 在职信息:在岗
  • 毕业院校:中国海洋大学


  • 2021-09-30山东省优秀博士学位论文
  • 2020-12-30山东省研究生优秀成果奖


  • 邮箱:



    • 版权所有:中国矿业大学