Muhammad Junaid
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Personal Profile

    Muhammad Junaid received his Ph.D. (2020), M.S. (2015), and B.Eng. (2011) in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Power system engineering. Since late 2020, he has been serving as an Associate Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China. Previously, he was a Research Fellow at King's College Aberdeen, University of Aberdeen, in Scotland, and a Lecturer in Power Engineering at the Department of Electrical Engineering, SARHAD University of Science & Information Technology, in Pakistan.

    Dr. Junaid's research focuses on alternatives to the SF6 gas and key technologies for fault current interruption, including vacuum interrupters, cryogenic dielectrics, and high voltage insulation. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering (CSEE), the European Society for Applied Superconductivity (ESAS), and IAENG Hong Kong, and a life member of the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). He has been involved in 10 funded projects, presiding over 8 of them, and holds 10 patents and 54 publications.

  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience
  • 西安交通大学
  • High Voltage and Electrical Insulation Engineering
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • 电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室

  • Research Focus
  • Social Affiliations
  • IEEE Power & Energy Society, IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society, IEEE Council on Superconductivity, IEEE Young Professionals, IEEE Nanotechnology Council, IEEE Systems Council, IEEE Sensors Council, IEEE Biometrics Council, IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation, IEEE Council on RFID, IEEE Consultants Network, IEEE SIGHT, IEEE WIE, IEEE Transportation Electrification Community, IEEE TechEthics™ Community, IEEE Software Defined Networks Community, & IEEE Smart Grid Community

Personal information

Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates



Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Alma Mater:西安交通大学

Academic Honor:

Jiangsu Entrepreneurship and Innovation Talents  2021  

Honors and Titles:

Technical Editor at IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity  2023-11-21

Senior Member IEEE (IEEE 高级会员)  2022-04-23

2021年江苏省“双创博士”  2021-07-24

江苏省“科技副总”  2022-07-15

中国矿业大学 "优秀青年骨干教师 (A类)"  2023-01-01

徐州市“彭城英才”  2021-07-02

Best Paper Presentation Award (IEEE ASEMD 2018)  2018-04-18

Wang Jimei Best Young Investigator Paper Award Nomination (ICEPE-ST 2017, IEEE PES)  2017-10-25

Guest Editor at Materials (SCIE, Q1)  2022-11-02

Guest Editor at Mathematics (SCIE, Q1)  2022-04-11

Guest Editor at Applied Sciences (SCIE, Q2)  2022-06-17

Guest Editor at The 2nd International Conference on Dynamical Science and Energy Engineering (ICDSEE 2022)  2022-06-20

Outstanding Students Award (西安交通大学, 2017)  2017-12-01

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