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Personal Information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Name (Simplified Chinese):江龙

Name (Pinyin):jianglong





Professional Title:Professor

Alma Mater:山东大学












1981--1985 年华东师范大学数学系学习,获学士学位;

1985--1988 年华东师范大学数学系基础数学专业学习,获理学硕士学位,研究方向:代数群表示理论;




2004 年2月访问中国科学院应用数学研究所;


2007 年访问加拿大York大学、Waterloo大学与McMaster 大学(期间参加在London 举行的加拿大数学会冬季会议与在

    York 大学举行的“MICACS-MCME Workshop on Risk Analysis” 并做学术报告);

2008 年访问加拿大The University of Western Ontario(期间参加在法国国际数学会议中心举行的

   “Chinese-French Meeting in Probability and Analysis”与在Guelph 大学举行的“MOPTA 08”会议


2011 年参加在英国Loughborough University 举行的“Stochastic Analysis: A UK-China Workshop”并做学术报告

2015 年参加在荷兰Eindhoven University of Technology举行的SEEEP Workshop。


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持人),2014-2017

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持人),2010-2012

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持人),2007-2009

[4] 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金(主持人),2009-2012

[5] 江苏省科技计划专项创新能力建设计划(负责人),2022-2026

[6] 国家“973”重点基础研究计划(主要学术骨干),2007-2011

[7] 中国博士后科学基金一等资助项目(主持人),2007-2008

[8] 江苏省”青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象基金项目(主持人),2008-2011

[9] 江苏省高等教育教学改革研究项目:卓越计划下研究生层次卓越工程师培养(负责人),2015-2017

[10] 中国矿业大学“应用数学”优秀创新团队(首席专家),2009-2012














[1] 全国优秀博士学位论文奖2007

[2] 江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人,2008

[3] 复旦大学优秀博士后2008

[4] 江苏省优秀教学成果奖一等奖(排名第2),2009

[5] 江苏省优秀教学成果奖一等奖(排名第4),2017







[12] 中国矿业大学优秀教学成果奖特等奖(排名第1),2012

[13] 连续获评2019年度、2020年度、2021年度中国矿业大学正处级干部“年度考核优秀”




主要研究非线性数学期望、倒向随机微分方程与金融数学The Annals of Applied Probability, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, Sciences in China Series A: Mathematics等国内外重要学术期刊上发表学术论文50余篇。

[1] Long Jiang(江龙), Convexity, Translation Invariance and Subadditivity for g-Expectations and Related Risk Measures,

   The Annals of Applied Probability, 18(1), 245–258, 2008

[2] Long Jiang(江龙), Representation theorems for generators of backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) and their 


       Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 115(12), 1883-1903, 2005

[3] S. Fan, Long Jiang(江龙), Tian DeJian. One-dimensional BSDEs with finite and infinite time horizons.

       Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 121(3), 427-440, 2011

  [4] D. Tian, Long Jiang(江龙). Quasiconvex risk statistics with scenario analysis.

       Mathematics and Financial Economics,9(2): 111-121, 2015.

  [5] X.Shi, Long Jiang(江龙)Representation theorem and viability property for multidimensional BSDEs and their applications

      Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk 8(3): 373-390, 2023.

  [6] Y T Jiang, G Wu,Long Jiang(江龙). A semi-randomized Kaczmarz method with simple random sampling for large-scale 

       linear systems.  

       Advances in Computational Mathematics  49:20, 1-29, 2023.

  [7] W. Zhang,Long Jiang(江龙). Solutions of BSDEs with a kind of non-Lipschitz coefficients driven by G-Brownian motion

        Statistics and Probability Letters 171:109024, 2021

[8]Hongmin Yuan , Long Jiang (江龙) , Dejian TianRepresentation theorems for WVaR with respect to a capacity

        Statistics and Probability Letters 158:108655, 2020

[9]Xiaohui Shen, Long Jiang(江龙), Dejian Tian, Lp solutions of anticipated BSDEs with weak monotonicity and general growth 



 [10]Xiaohui Shen, Long Jiang(江龙), BSDEs driven by time-changed Lévy noises with non-Lipschitz generators,


[11]Shengjun FAN, Long Jiang(江龙),Lp Solutions of BSDEs with a New Kind of Non-Lipschitz Coeffiffifficients,

    Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 35(4): 695–707, 2019

[12]X Shi , Q Feng, D Tian, Long Jiang(江龙), Monotonic limit theorem for Lp -semimartingales on general time horizon. 

     Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics40(2): 181–2002019 

[13]Xiaohui Shen, Long Jiang(江龙), BSDEs with monotone generator driven by time-changed Lévy noises,

     Advances in Difffference Equations, 2017:214, 2017

[14]D. Tian, Long Jiang(江龙,Uncertainty orders on the sublinear expectation space

     De Gruyter Open Math.,14: 247–2592016

[15]R. Ji,Long Jiang(江龙), D. Tian.On the minimal members of convex expectations with constraints,

     Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2015

[16]X.Shi, Long Jiang(江龙), R. Ji. Nonlinear Decomposition of Doob-Meyer’s Type for Continuous g-Supermartingale with 

         Uniformly Continuous Coefficient,

     Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014

[17]ShengJun Fan, Long Jiang(江龙). Multidimensional BSDEs with weak monotonicity and general growth generators.

        Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 23(10): 1885-1906, 2013

[18]S. FAN, Long JIANG(江龙),M. DAVISON, Existence and uniqueness result for multidimensional BSDEs with generators of 

       Osgood type,

       Frontier of Mathematics in China, 8(4): 811824, 2013

[19]D. TianLong JIANG(江龙)X. ShiLp solutions to BSDEs with discontinuous generators,

     Statistics and Probability Letters, 83:503-510, 2013

[20]W. HuaLong JIANG(江龙)X. Shi, Infinite time interval RBSDEs with non-Lipschitz coefficients

      Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 42:247-256, 2013

[21] S. Fan, Long JIANG(江龙). A generalized comparison theorem for BSDEs and its applications.

        Journal of Theoretical Probability, 25:50–61, 2012

[22] S. FanLong JIANG(江龙)Lp solutions of finite and infinite time interval BSDEs with non-Lipschitz coefficients

    Stochastics: an International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes84:487-506, 2012

[23] J. LiuLong JIANG(江龙)Jensen’s inequality for monetary utility functions

         Journal of Inequalities and Applications128:1-4, 2012

[24]S. Fan, Long JIANG(江龙).  One-dimensional BSDEs with left-continuous, lower semi-continuous and linear-growth generators.

     Statistics and Probability Letters 82: 1792-1798, 2012

[25] S. Fan, Long Jiang(江龙), Xu YingYing. Representation theorem for generators of BSDEs with monotonic and polynomial-

         growth generators in the space of processes.

         Electronic Journal of Probability 16(27) : 830-844, 2011

[26] D. Tian, Long Jiang(江龙), M. Davison. On the existence of solutions to BSDEs with generalized uniformly continuous 


         Statistics and Probability Letters 80: 903-9092010

[27] S. Fan, Long Jiang(江龙). A representation theorem for generators of BSDEs with continuous linear-growth generators in the 

       space of processes.

        Journal of Computational and Applied mathematics 235,686-695, 2010

[28] S. Fan, Long Jiang 江龙) , M. Davison. Uniqueness of solutions for multidimensional BSDEs with uniformly continuous 


       Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Acad. Sci. -Paris 348 (11-12), 683-686, 2010

[29] S. Fan, Long Jiang(江龙). Uniqueness result for BSDEs whose generator is monotonic in y and uniformly continuous in z.

        Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Acad. Sci. -Paris 348(1-2), 89-92, 2010

[30] S. Fan, Long Jiang(江龙). Finite and infinite time interval BSDEs with non-Lipschitz coefficients.

         Statistics and Probability Letters80 (11-12), 962-968, 2010

[31]Long Jiang 江龙), A necessary and sufficient condition for probability measures dominated by g-expectation,

    Statistics and Probability Letters 79(2):196-201, 2009

[32] Y. Liu, Long Jiang(江龙), Y. Xu, A Local Limit Theorem for Solutions of BSDEs with Mao’s non-Lipschitz Generator,

        Acta Math Appliticae Sinica, English Ser., 24(2), 329-336, 2008

[33]Long Jiang(江龙), Limit theorem and uniqueness theorem of BSDEs,

    Sciences in China Series A: Mathematics, 49(10),1353-1362, 2006

[34]Long Jiang 江龙), Jensen’s inequality for BSDEs,

    Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B, 27(5), 553-564, 2006

[35]Long Jiang(江龙), A note on g-expectation with comonotonic additivity,

        Statistics and Probability Letters, 76(17),1895-1903, 2006

[36]Long Jiang(江龙), Representation theorem for generators of BSDEs,

    Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Acad. Sci.-Paris, 340(2), 161-166, 2005

[37]Long Jiang(江龙), Converse comparison theorems for BSDEs,

    Statistics and Probability Letters, 71(2), 173-183, 2005

[38]Long Jiang(江龙), Some results on the uniqueness of generators of BSDEs,

    Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Acad. Sci.-Paris, 338(7), 575-580, 2004

[39]Long Jiang(江龙), Chen Zengjing, On Jensen’s inequality for g-expectation,

     Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B, 25(3), 401-412, 2004

[40]Long Jiang(江龙), A property of g-expectation,

     Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 20(5), 769-778, 2004

[41]Long Jiang(江龙), A converse comparison theorem for g-expectations,

     Acta Math Appliticae Sinica, English Ser., 20(4), 701-706, 2004

[42]Long Jiang(江龙), Z. Chen, A result on the probability measures dominated by g-expectation,

         Acta Math Appliticae Sinica, English Ser., 20(3), 507-512, 2004

[43]Z. Chen, R. Kulperger, Long Jiang(江龙), Jensen’s inequality for g-expectation,part 1,

     Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Acad. Sci.-Paris, 337(12), 797-800,2003

[44]Z. Chen, R. Kulperger, Long Jiang(江龙), Jensen’s inequality for g-expectation,part 2,

     Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Acad. Sci.-Paris, 337(11), 725-730,2003


  数学学报 67(3): 489–499, 2024

[46]张伟,江龙,Osgood 条件下 G-Brown 驱动的倒向随机微分方程,


[47]石学军,冯群,田德建,江龙. 一般时间区间Lp半鞅序列的单调极限定理.

  数学年刊A辑40(2): 211–230, 2019

[48]范胜君,江龙. 生成元一致连续的多维倒向随机微分方程的Lp解,

  数学年刊A辑,34(6), 761-770, 2013

[49]田德建, 江龙, 石学军. 具有拟Holder连续生成元的倒向随机微分方程的可积解.

  应用数学学报, (5): 783-790, 2013 

[50]范胜君, 江龙. 具有一致连续生成元和可积参数的倒向随机微分方程.

  中国科学A辑数学,42(2), 119-131, 2012

[51] 胜君,江龙. z一致连续的倒向随机微分方程解的一个存在唯一性结果,

  数学学报,54(2), 187-194, 2011


  中国科学A辑数学36(9), 961-970, 2006

[53]江龙,B2型、G2型根系的GnT块问题,中国矿业大学学报,23(4), 122-128, 1994





本科生课程:  概率论,概率论与数理统计(A,B),近世代数,高等代数,线性代数,工程数学。

主编“线性代数”教材1 部(高等教育出版社)







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  • 2002.9-2005.6

    山东大学 | 概率论与数理统计 | 研究生毕业 | Doctor

  • 1985.9-1988.7

    华东师范大学 | 基础数学 | 研究生毕业 | 硕士

  • 1981.9-1985.8

    华东师范大学 | 数学 | 本科毕业 | 学士

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