Personal Information


  • School/Department:School of mechanical and electrical engineering
  • Gender:Male
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  • Degree:Doctor
  • Professional Title:Professor
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鲍久圣,1979年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,国家第一批煤矿智能化专家(智能运输领域22人之一),全国煤炭工业技术委员会矿山机电与辅助运输专家委员会委员,中国自动化学会智慧矿山专业委员会委员,山西省智能煤机装备产业技术联盟专家咨询委员会委员,山西省煤炭学会千人智库高级专家,江苏省仪器仪表学会状态监测与故障诊断仪器专业委员会委员,《煤炭学报》《绿色矿山》《Journal of Mechanical Materials and Mechanics Research编委,《煤炭科学技术》《深地科学(英文)》青年编委,曾入选江苏省"333人才工程”、江苏省“六大人才高峰”、江苏省“双创博士”等高层次人才计划。鲍久圣教授在矿山行业已形成一定的学术影响力,曾多次作为行业专家接受CCTV采访和杂志专访,为内蒙古"2•23"井下重大运输事故报道、山东"1•10"金矿爆炸重大事故救援提供专家解读作为客座编辑组织策划了《煤炭学报》首期“煤矿智能化”专题和国际SCI期刊《Energies》"Intelligent Coal Mining Technology"特刊,受邀为《智能矿山》《绿色矿山》创刊号撰写专家述评,应邀在第九届能源资源环境与可持续发展国际会议(ERESD2022)、第2届深地科学前沿学术论坛、山西省智能煤机装备产业技术联盟成立大会等重要会议以及各大矿业集团煤矿智能化专题培训班上作学术报告累计已达50余场次。



科研工作:主要从事矿山运输及其智能化、特种车辆混合动力与无人驾驶、矿山机器人、摩擦学与传制动技术等领域的科研工作,作为项目负责人已累计主持包括3项国家级项目、6项省部级项目在内的各类纵、横向科研项目40余项,发表学术论文130余篇,其中:第一或通讯作者100余篇(SCI、EI检索70余篇);出版《采矿运输技术与装备》《盘式制动器摩擦学性能测试与智能预测技术》等著作4部,参编国家标准《GB50431 带式输送机工程技术标准》和《中国大百科全书·矿山机械词条》;申请和授权发明专利120余件,其中:第一发明人申请90余件(已获授权50余件);获中国煤炭工业科技进步一等奖、教育部科技进步二等奖等省部级以上科研和学术奖励13项,其中:排名前五以内11项;累计已指导博、硕士研究生70余人。

  • 2005.9-2009.6

    中国矿业大学  | 机械设计及理论  | Doctor | 研究生毕业

  • 2002.9-2005.6

    中国矿业大学  | 机械电子工程  | 硕士 | 研究生毕业

  • 1998.9-2002.7

    中国矿业大学  | 机械工程及自动化  | 学士 | 本科毕业

  • 2014.12-2015.12

    (2)University of Washington  | 机械工程系
    I was sent to the department of mechanical engineering of University of Washington to study for one year by the National Scholarship Committee in 2015

  • 2010.4-2014.6

    (1)China University of Mining and Technology  | 控制科学与工程 | Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
    I left the post-doctoral reasearch station of control science and engineering of China University of Mining and Technology in June 2014

    2005.7- Now

    School of mechanical and electrical engineering  | Department of mechanical design  | 教师  | Professor

    2016.12- 2020.12

    School of mechanical and electrical engineering  | Jiangsu Province and Education Ministry Co-sponsored Collaborative Innovation Center of Intelligent Mining Equipment(CUMT)  | Vice director  | Professor

  • 国家第一批煤矿智能化专家(智能运输领域22人之一)

  • 第四届煤炭工业技术委员会矿山机电与辅助运输专家委员会委员

  • (1) Member of  Technical committee on Intelligent Mine, Chinese Association of Automation

  • 山西省智能煤机装备产业技术联盟专家咨询委员会委员

  • 山西省煤炭学会千人智库高级专家

  • (2) Member of  Technical Committee on Condition monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Instrument, Jiangsu Instrument and Control Society

  • (5)Editorial board member of international Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research, guest editor of "coal mine intelligence" in Journal of China Coal Society

  • 《煤炭科学技术》《深地科学(英文)》青年编委

  • 国际SCI期刊《Energies》“Intelligent Coal Mining Technology”专题客座主编

Name of Research Group:Intelligent Mine Transportation and Driverless

Description of Research Group:I have been engaged in graduate education for more than 10 years. My research group has trained more than 50 graduate students, including more than 30 graduate students who have graduated from 9 sessions. Their employment units are in China Automotive technology and Research Center and the 39th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group and other research and development institutions, Suzhou University and Chuzhou University and other undergraduate colleges, GAC Toyota, Dongfeng Trucks and BYD and other well-known automobile enterprises, as well as XCMG Construction Machinery, Jichuan Technology, AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Company LTD., Shanghang Electric and other large enterprises!

We are a united, friendly, energetic and creative research and development team, with harmonious relationship between teachers and students and generous subsidies for research assistants! At present, the research group has many research projects, sufficient research funds and excellent laboratory learning and working conditions!

Welcome all outstanding young students who are interested in machinery, vehicles and mines to join my research team and seek common development!

Address:No1,Daxue Road,Xuzhou,Jiangsu,221116,P.R.China    Email:
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